Let us help find the best option for you.

When you have assets to sell, you don’t necessarily just want it gone, you want the most money for your assets. As a student of the process, we have the solution for you. No auction is the same.  We will help you explorer the different options and more importantly, the costs associated with each option in order to help find the best solution for your particular situation. You can trust that we have your best interest at heart, our company’s success depends on your auction’s results.

We’ve Got the Right Auction to Get the Most for Your Money

The Live Auction

With a live auction either we come to you and the items for sale, or you bring them to us. A marketing and labor budget is made, and we do the rest. Live auctions have been conducted for thousands of years.

The Online Auction

With the advent and advancement of the internet, online auctions, in many cases, out preform live auctions. A small amount of valuable assets, large amounts of not so valuable assets, or large amounts of valuable assets all benefit from the advantages of being sold online. In the auction format, we control the terms for you. Assets do not have to be moved. Labor, while intensive, is managed.

Multicast Auctions

The best of both worlds, a multicast auction is a live auction where internet bidders can also bid in real time. Being two auctions in one, although effective, it is also more expensive in labor and conducting. Substantial assets are recommended for this option ($50,000.00 plus).

The Do It Yourself Online Auction

Here is the absolutely least expensive type of auction we offer. With this product, we send you the paper supplies and the instructions to build your own auction. We upload the information to our software, manage the auction and collect the money, emailing the bidders their receipt. After the auction is complete, you get a check.


There is no set amount that we charge. We are a business, have many hours of initial education plus continuing education. We belong to both our State and National

associations to bring innovation to our auctions and to stay abreast of current events and legislation affecting the industry. We conduct auctions on location, do tailgates, configure online auctions, and do hybrid live/online auctions all of which require a different amount of labor and professional organization. Then there is the value of the items to be sold. Low end items cost more to sell than high end assets and this all must be taken into consideration. Call us for a free consultation.

We specialize in this type of asset. We can come to you, look at the asset, get photos of the asset, an accurate description, and then go to work for you. We actively search out many types of assets that complement each other and group them together for a large enough online event that will draw bidders. Nobody has to stand out in the cold, no one has to travel, it is all very convenient for all involved.

We offer a pick up and delivery service for a fee. This amount is directly related to the number of people it takes to perform the task and the man hours involved to complete the job. Set up on location is charged by the hour, per a written contract with a maximum amount so there are no surprises. We do not charge for the use of our tables, tents or equipment. If we need to rent items, there is no mark up. There is no charge for your auctioneer’s time involved other than the stated commission rate. Set up for an online auction involves a lot of preparation, yet the overall cost can be much less than conducting a live auction. We will present you with the different options available to you.

There are many different methods of disposing of items. You could have a tag sale, a garage sale, consign them to a retail resale shop, donate them, burn them….

The auction method has been used for over 2000 years and is the most effective way to turn assets into cash. Period. There is no better way to receive true market value than at auction with a crowd, bidding competitively, whether the bidders are in a crowd in a live event or gathered to their electronic devices during an online event.

It takes an average of 45 minutes to an hour to take a photo, upload it, type a description, and place all the particulars in an online ad. I’ve done it. It may or may not draw bids. At auction, everything sells, is paid for and is removed in a very short amount of time.

One other significant point about most public auction venues is the snipe bid. Our auction software automatically extends the auction for a significant time if a bid is received within the final minute of the auction, thus allowing an asset to achieve its full potential.

Through organized planning from start to finish, how to attract the right donors, knowing what your crowd will respond to and bid on, having a thorough knowledge of fundraising components, using technology to aid in raising funds, knowledge of additional sources of revenue and their implementation, all are of utmost importance in the raising of funds for your non-profit. We can do as little or as much as you ask us to do. Professional Benefit Auctioneers are experts at making efficient use of all the resources resulting in a smooth, fun, yet profitable event.

In my 32 plus years in the auction business, I have prided myself in my ability to attend multiple auction locations both in person and online. I have networked with the owners, management, auctioneers, clerks, yard and office staff. I try very hard to put myself in other peoples shoes, all the while knowing that without the buyer, you can have no auction.